
my tech stacks

“The best yardstick for our progress is not other people, but ourselves. Am I better than I was yesterday? This is the only question worth asking. As long as you go to bed at night a better practitioner than the one who woke up that morning, you have succeeded. Your worth should have nothing to do with how your progress stacks up relative to another.” ― Chris Matakas, My Mastery: Continued Education Through Jiu Jitsu

C++ 90%
C 90%
Data Structures and Algorithm 75%
Python 60%
React.js 80%
Node.js 70%
Express.js 75%
MongoDB 65%
jQuery 75%
javascript 80%
HTML5 95%
CSS3 90%
Bootstrap 95%
Figma 90%
Git & Github 90%
HerokuApp 80%